January 31, 2020

Plantation in Hathiaul, Balara Municipality Sarlahi

  • Hathiaul, Balara Municipality Sarlahi

    Hathiaul, Balara Municipality Sarlahi

  • Event Date

    2020-01-18 to 2020-01-20

Quest to plant 5000 Trees

Triveni Byapar Company has decided to plant 5000 trees in this fiscal year in a pledge to contribute to the society in various capacities. We recently planted 500 trees as the first phase of this campaign.

Why Mango Trees?

The trees that was selected was very high quality mango trees as it would also help the local communities to reap the benefits of the trees. In addition to this people don't cut mango trees for timber.

Company Staff join hands with 300+ Volunteers from the community 

We engaged over 300 volunteers and company staff for this massive campaign. Next phase is scheduled to happen before the end of third quarter of this fiscal year.

We would like to extend heartfull thanks to Abhaya Kumar Singh, the municipal head of Balara Municipality for his support and hospitality.

We hope that even other companies can follow suit and maybe even cooperate with us to make it even bigger event.

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