Freedom and Flexibility in Imaging
The FDR VIsionary Suite combines a wide range of applications targeted to improve diagnostic capability and a precise design to facilitate imaging. With unique image processing functions that enhance quality while reducing the operational dose rate, the FDR Visionary Suite represents a new generation of functional X-ray systems — offering ease of operation with minimal impact for patients.
● Preparation
Completion of room preparation without touching the system
X-ray stand
X-ray table
● Patient Guidance and Positioning
Easily define the imaging position for each individual patient
Radiation field linking function
Simplified Generator Setting with an LCD touch panel
● Taking Images
Change conditions in the X-ray room using the touch panel
“Sound and light” notifies those away from the machine when an X-ray is being taken
● Tomosynthesis**
Freedom to reconstruct and display image slices
Automatic X-ray dose control and background reconstruction
High-precision, high-quality imaging to 150μm
● Energy Subtraction**
Separates images of soft tissue and bone for improved viewing
Controlling motion artifacts
● Long View Imaging**
Display full-length images of spine or lower limb
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